Our Services

Enrolment and Services
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Before & After School Care

Kariong OOSH is a not for profit Children’s service run through Kariong Neighbourhood Centre. We are open for  Before school, After School and Vacation Care.

Our Service is guided by the My Time, Our Place framework and through this we are committed to providing a safe, caring, warm and friendly environment with a holistic approach to working with parents, guardians and children in our community aged 5 -12 years.

We work inclusively within KNC, meaning that we can offer families greater support with the services that are available to the community through our local Neighbourhood Centre.

Before School Care operates from 6.30am to the commencement of school and fees include breakfast from 7 – 8am (gluten free options available).

After School Care operates from 3pm – 6.30pm and fees include afternoon tea and a late afternoon fruit snack.

Vacation Care operates from 6.30am – 6.30pm during school holidays and on pupil free days. The activities for vacation care vary from term to term and we balance our activities between excursions and fun days at the Centre.

Child Care Subsidy is available if families have registered with the Family Assistance Office. This reduces the fees and out of pocket expenses for childcare fees.

Our service has been rated Meeting the National Quality Standards and we offer a varied child focused program in all our available sessions.

Vacation Care

Throughout Vacation Care we provide a wide variety of activities, crafts and themed days, as well as excursions to various places of interest and fun, and informative incursions. Children from any school are welcome to attend our Vacation Care program.

Due to the high number of cancellations for Vacation Care bookings and where staff have already been rostered to work to cover ratios, when cancelling Vacation Care bookings with less than 7 days’ notice you will be charged 25% of the fee to cover costs.


Other Programs

Active Playgroup

Come along and have some fun, meet new families and share ideas. Active Playgroup is an educational program developing social skills and school readiness in a safe, happy and stimulating environment.
Music & Dance | 0 to 6 years | Play Equipment | Toys & Crafts | Sandpit

When: Wednesdays 10:30am – 12:30pm
(during school term only)
Cost: $5.00 per child and plus $1 each additional child